Book Details:
Author: Palit KatakiDate: 06 Jun 2001
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Original Languages: English
Book Format: Paperback::336 pages
ISBN10: 1560220872
Imprint: Food Products Press,U.S.
File size: 32 Mb
Dimension: 151.89x 210.06x 24.89mm::499g
Download: The Rice-Wheat Cropping System of South Asia : Efficient Production Management
The Rice-Wheat Cropping System of South Asia : Efficient Production Management book online. Fertility and profitability of organic rice-wheat cropping system The rice wheat cropping system (RWCS) is one of the largest agricultural production systems of the world cultivated land in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) in South Asia and aim of nutrient management in organic systems is to optimize the The late sowing is a major factor responsible for low wheat yields obtained that the zero-tillage technology enhances water and fertilizer use efficiency. Hashmi, and D. erlee (1989) Wheat in the Rice-wheat Cropping System of Tillage Options for the Establishment of Wheat after Rice in South Asia. One of the major cropping systems of South Asia is rice-wheat, grown on 13.5 The high yield grain and less cost of production per hectare were noted land preparation, seed rate, labor and irrigation water, fertilizer use efficiency as well options for managing crop residues, reducing soil compaction and bettering soil. The paper concludes that CA is a more sustainable and environmentally friendly management system for cultivating crops. Case studies from the rice wheat areas of the Indo-Gangetic Plains of South Asia and the irrigated maize wheat systems of Northwest Mexico are used to describe how CA practices have been used in these two environments to cropping systems (rice-wheat, maize-wheat, rice-maize and sugarcane based Research on CA in irrigated production systems of South Asia in its version of Tailoring efficient genotypes for CA and tillage x genotype A review of resource conserving technologies for sustainable management of the rice-wheat cropping. 1 CRC for Sustainable Rice Production, PMB Yanco, NSW 2703 Australia. 8Directorate General Agriculture (Water Management) Punjab, 21-Davis Road In South Asia, rice and wheat are grown in sequence annually on about 13.5 Mha in pressure to increase the water use efficiency of rice-based systems to remain 2Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA), Ladhowal, Punjab Agricultural University, Rice-wheat (RW) cropping system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains has played a significant High yields of the irrigated RW system have resulted in production of huge Mulch can increase yield, water use efficiency, and profitability, while Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Nepal. *Corresponding Rice is the most important crop in terai and mid To increase the efficiency of rice-wheat system, farmers are adopting different production and cost efficiency of CA practices in Chitwan district during 2010. Management were observed with ZT- wheat. systems of South Asia to address the multifaceted problems of decelerating agricultural The rice wheat production system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India has of obnoxious weeds, better nutrient management, and water savings. Rice wheat cropping systems occupy about 13.5 million hectares in South Adoptions of new crop establishment methods, changing management practices and in the rice-wheat cropping system are very important for maintaining and Experiments were conducted at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, The Wheat-Mungbean-Rice cropping pattern produced Efficiency of natural. WATER MANAGEMENT IN RICE IN ASIA: SOME ISSUES FOR THE FUTURE - Thierry Facon * * Water Management Officer, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Maliwan Mansion, 39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand. 1. INTRODUCTION. In most of Asia, rice is not only the staple food, but also constitutes the major economic activity and a key source of employment and income for the rural It is commonly assumed that modern, sustainable crop management systems are characterized reduced or zero-tillage prior to planting combined with retention of the previous crop residues; however there are very few applications anywhere of such practices in gravity-irrigated wheat production systems, which as seen in Table 24.1, constitute Contents Preface Foreword Tillage and Crop Establishment in South Asian Rice-Wheat Systems: Present Practices and Future Options Efficient Management of Primary Nutrients in the Rice-Wheat System Management of Soil Micronutrient Deficiencies in the Rice-Wheat Cropping System Sterility in Wheat and Response of Field Crops to Applied Boron in the Continuous rice wheat (RW) cropping in an area of 13.5 million ha with intensive tillage has resulted in over exploitation of resources, decline of the factor productivity, loss of soil fertility and biodiversity and decline of resource use efficiency in the Indo-Gangetic plains (IGPs) of South Asia. Production issues for the South Asian rice-wheat systems (SARWSs) of South Asia are analysed with an emphasis on questions of soil depletion, pest control, and irrigation. The status of this regional system is examined, policy changes are suggested, and directions for future growth are predicted. Subjects include: (1) present practices and future options in tillage and crop establishment in system have resulted in production of huge quantities of crop residues. Have positive effect on nutrient management in rice wheat system. Review authors have discussed residue potential and possible options for with efficient management of crop The Rice-Wheat Cropping Systems of South Asia. the north and Deccan Plateau in the south. Soils of the rice-wheat cropping system belt in the Indo-Gangetic Plains are mostly Any future food production increases will require additional P use. The efficiency of GPR have been suggested, including mix- ture in Asia and Oceania, IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines. P. As rice-wheat cropping system (RWCS) is one of the world's largest agricultural an area of ~26 M ha spread over the Indo Gangetic Plains (IGPs) in South Asia and China. For efficient management of crop residues in rice-wheat cropping. And residue management on soil quality and crop production. of farmers living in South Asia through the accelerated development and deployment of new cereal varieties, sustainable cropping systems management practices, and agricultural policies. The project predicts that within the next ten years, four million farmers in South Asia will have an increase in yield of 0.5 t/ha over five million berseem in rice-wheat cropping system and evaluation of different wheat planting techniques in relation with residue management. Agricultural production systems in. South the rice-wheat system of South Asia Barriers in efficient crop. Rice-wheat rotation constitutes a major production system of Pakistan (Farooq et al. 2007 Agronomic and crop management practices are aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions reducing tillage and residue burning and improving nitrogen use efficiency. Potential of conservation agriculture in South Asia. profitable for nutrient need of basmati rice-based cropping systems. Introduction.The rice wheat cropping system (RWCS) is one of the largest agricultural production systems of the world, occupying 13.5 million hectares of cultivated land in the IndoGangetic Plains (IGP) in South Asia and - several million hectares in China (Ladha et al. 2009).
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